Apprenticeship Readiness Programs

Apprenticeship Readiness Programs (“ARPs”) are educational programs that provide participants with the fundamental skills and knowledge necessary to choose, obtain, and succeed in a formal Registered Apprenticeship in the construction industry. TradesFutures helps develop, promote, and improve ARPs by developing courses and curriculum to be used by local ARPs; helping organizations such as secondary schools, vocational schools, colleges, labor management committees, government entities, and other community-based organizations, establish and maintain ARPs; conducting accreditation trainings to increase the number of educators qualified to teach ARPs; and supporting research efforts designed to expand and support ARPs.

Apprenticeship Readiness Goals:

Trades for Tomorrow: The Multi-Craft Core Curriculum (MC3)

Apprenticeship Readiness Programs teach the Multi-Craft Core Curriculum (MC3), a standardized, comprehensive, 120-hour construction course designed to help young people and transitioning adults choose and succeed in registered apprenticeship programs that are appropriate for them.

The MC3 curriculum is taught face-to-face, but it is delivered via TradesFutures Online Learning Management System.

Apprenticeship Readiness Program Videos

NYS Building Trades ARP

Kinsey Neal – Ironworkers

Alabama Power ARP

Access For All: A Story Of Hope

Access For All and Operating Engineers Local 324 Partner in Highland Park

Operating Engineers Local 324 and Access For All

Building Sacramento